I wasn't born to have a boss


God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

Let’s talk about what we are told growing up. Go to collage, get married have kids, work a corporate job for 40+ years and retire. This is what most are taught is expected by society.

For what?

A life wasted at a 9-5, day in and day out ,working for 40 + years so you can retire, just over broke. Nope sorry NOT for this girl and I want to save you from it too!

If this is your current situation thats cool, if your happy, thats cool… BUT if you are looking for something more then you’re in the right place!

I get it, you have bills to pay and you’re probably like the rest of the world living paycheque to paycheque with little money left over.

Aren’t you sick of that feeling?

See we will only make a change when the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of making the change.

So how sick of it are you? Before you know it you’ll wake up one day your kids will be grown and you will have spent all of your life working for someone else and you’ll retire and hopefully then you’ll get to start to enjoy your life at 60!

Why wait???

Why not start building a life that you love today? Now Im not telling you to run out and quit your job or anything crazy like that but we all have 24 hrs in a day. You work 8 hrs for someone else’s dreams could you work another 1 or 2 for your own dreams?

Yep thats it! You can start by committing 1-2 hours a day to your dream life where YOU are the boss. You get to decide who you work with, where you will work ( I’m currently writing this on my dock over looking the lake) and how you will build a legacy that will live on even after your gone.

Close your eyes…

What does your future CEO look like? How is your health? Do you get paid to get in shape and live a healthy life style? What does she wear? I want you to picture your life. How does she feel? Is she driven and passionate? Is she confident and excited for her life.

See you get to create her, all of her. You get to design your dream life because you are the boss. Take some time this week and get really clear on what you look like as the CEO of your life and if you’re ready to commit 1- 2 hours a day to your dreams and start your own business send me a message and I can help you get started!

Its time to wake up! You have been put on this earth for more then a 9-5! Your dream life awaits. Now go create!


